REGISTERED OFFICE: VARANA GLOBAL TRUST, Duna Manson, Near 80ft Road, Mahalakshrni Nagar, Batawadi, Tumkur 572103. Karnataka. INDIA.
Our vision is to inculcate professionalizing of the highest caliber in graduates along with a strong character and the commitment to uphold the spiritual and cultural values of our country.
Our mission is to impart quality education at graduate and post graduate levels through our dedicated and well qualified faculty members.
Objectives of the Trust
Objects of the trust are as under:
- To provide free education to the poorer sections of the society, by establishing and maintaining schools, colleges, Vocational Training Centers and other Educational Institutions to impart basic and advanced education, vocational training and Job oriented Technical Training for the benefit of general public.
- Animal husbandry
- To establish, run, operate and maintain hostels for Girls, Boys and Working women for their betterment.
- To promote, set up or maintain clinics, hospitals, ambulance services and general a medical assistance for the benefit of the general public either on its own or in association with others.
- To establish destitute homes for providing food, shelter and clothing to the aged, disabled persons and for the benefit of the general public.
- To carry on charitable activities such as providing conducting mass marriages, and providing for expenses for marriage of needy and economically weaker sections of the society.
- To work for the Socio-economic advancement of Women, especially rural women, to make their independent and respectable citizens of the society
- To promote and work for the advancement of Indian Culture and Literature
- To acquire, purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire lands to build buildings, tenements, sheds or other tenements to accomplish the object of this Trust.
- To assist other trust and charitable organizations, either financially or otherwise, who are engaged in such charitable objects are of or similar to that of this Trust.
- To carry out all such acts, deeds and things which directly or indirectly promote or aid in the promotion of any of the objects mentioned here in above.
- To carry out or cause to carry out all such benevolent things, acts and deeds which are incidental to any of the objects specified here in above.
- To provide for promotion of welfare of general public and carry on any activity for general public utility in ail possible ways
- To carry out the above objects either directly or indirectly or through others or jointly in any manner whatsoever.
Board Members

CA. S. VISWANATH - President

Sri. B. R. Umesh - Vice President

Sri. Channabasava Prasad - Secretary

Sri. Harisha H. - Trustee